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The Sacred Series

In the busyness and the often chaotic pace of life, we forget to visit the stillness, the inner peace that is always available to us if we just turn our attention in that direction.

In 2015 ClearPath Center is offering several weekend experiences to avail us of the opportunity to find that stillpoint inside, to return to a greater sense of balance and gratefulness often lost in our daily lives.

These experiences will begin Friday evening and continue through Saturday, close to the Spring and Fall Equinoxes and Summer Solstice. Depending upon interest, we have also reserved a weekend in mid-November, close to Thanksgiving, to give thanks for the year and to acknowledge the beginning of the retreat into winter.

The time together will partially be structured and partially created as needs arise. The goal is to explore ways of attending to our Self physically, psychologically and spiritually during the various seasons of the year. The form of this retreat is psychospiritual and body-centered in nature. This translates as highly interactive and experiential, while including periods of silence, short talks, individual and group experiences.

It is an integrative experience with time alone as well as time for communal connection and support.

These gatherings will be limited to 12 participants and will take place at our Center on Seneca Lake NY. Individual announcements for each of these weekends will appear in future newsletters.

This Retreat starts at 5pm on Friday evening and extends through to 5pm on Saturday evening.

​​ClearPath Training Center

Your Path to EMDR Certification... and beyond