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EMDR Supervision and Consultation

Your Path to EMDR Certification... and beyond

​​ClearPath Training Center

Andrew is an EMDRIA approved consultant. Consequently, his consultation and supervision, both group and individual, can be applied towards requirements for EMDR certification.

Rates for Individuals:  

  • Single hour:                         $140.00  Buy 1 hour

  • Package of 5 hours:           $650.00  Buy 5 hours

  • Package of 10 hours:         $1,275.00  Buy 10 hours

Group Consultation (10 hours) for consultants-in-training:         

What therapists have said about Andrew’s supervision/consultation:

I have always been impressed with the exceptional quality of Andrew’s consultation and supervision. Every piece of information he shares has obviously been so clearly thought out, researched, and critically analyzed that it can be used with great confidence. His deep mindfulness, humor, and understanding make working with him both rich and comfortable.
S.M., Corning, NY

[Andrew is] amazingly skilled and tremendously intuitive. This doesn't mean much, I realize, without concrete information. So I will try to describe my experience. Let's say I bring a question, issue, or source of confusion. First, he listens exquisitely. Secondly, he is very intuitive AND very experienced. The result, for me, has been that he understands the question/issue very quickly and has a pool of experiences into which he dips to connect with what I am trying to get at and then a bag of skills and alternative approaches from which he pulls suggestions. His ability to do this without ego games, condescension, judgemental attitude has allowed a hypersensitive soul like me to be willing to be vulnerable to his critique and open to his suggestions (another way of saying that I am able to learn from him). I am very grateful to have him in my professional life.
A.B., Ithaca, NY

Andrew is able to enter into others' in a skillful way--whether the feelings be those of the therapist or of their clients. If therapists have their own obstacles that interfere with treatment delivery, he is adept at helping them work through these. In advising therapists about clients, he provides a total treatment strategy, so that even those clients not ready for the full EMDR protocol can be helped by various other strategies. He gets to the core of everyone's issues quickly, deftly and compassionately. He provides great consultation/supervision!
J.H., Watkins Glen, NY

The usefulness of the training, supervision and consultation that I received from Andrew was immeasurably helpful in my work with clients. Andrew shared his wealth of knowledge in a way that made it applicable to my every day practice. His gentle, supportive manner allowed me to take risks to better myself as a therapist.
Julia Baker Wallace, LCSW-R

Training and consultation with Andrew is a rare experience that I wish I had more of in my own professional development. He works hard to craft a training environment where every participant's contribution is valued and where trainees can take risks to stretch themselves in ways that are professionally exciting, personally rewarding and ultimately of great use to the clients we hope to serve.
Lois Ehrmann, Psy. D., State College, PA